Destiny 2 PS4 Exclusive Content Will Come Towards End Of 2018 For PC and Xbox

During the recent E3, 2017 Activision announced that they will be releasing exclusive PS4 content for Destiny 2 which includes Strike Mission Lake of shadow, gears, ship, a new PVP map and an exotic weapon called Borealis which comes with 3 damage mode and all of these will be exclusive only for PS4 for least a year.

But a scarier news is spreading across the community that the exclusive content will never be released for PS4 and PC. in an interview with Multiplayer.it an Italian website(a translated version is on Neptune games) Luke Smith shared some details which may have been mistranslated and in his statement was quoted as “the exclusive content for PlayStation 4 will not arrive on Xbox and even on PC”.

But later it was clarified by Luke Smith that the news is not true and the content will be coming to Xbox and PC.

The situation is already grim with locking of content for a year but the news of never releasing the exclusive content for Xbox and PC will certainly create an uproar. luckily its was false and it will bring a bit of a relief for Xbox and PC gamers.

On other Destiny 2 news its is confirmed that PS4 will get 4K 30Fps but no there is no confirmation of 4K yet on Xbox One X. it will release on 6 September 2017 for both the consoles PS4 and Xbox and 24 October 2017 for PC.

Check out the video to see the details of the PS4 Exclusive content

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