Destiny 2 Will Run At 30Fps On Xbox One X – Director Luke Smith

During Microsoft’s E3 Conference they unveiled the most powerful console ever made Xbox X One. it will be hitting the market towards the end of the year and everybody is excited to get there hands on the beastly console.

Many people thought that with a significant more powerful specs than its predecessor Xbox One and the rival PS4 Pro games will now reach 60 Fps with HD graphics. if you are one of those expecting it then we have a bad news for you. one of the major game around Activision’s Destiny 2 will not be able to give you the dream Fps on Xbox One X.

During an interview with Geoff Keighley, on youtube, Luke Smith the director of Destiny 2 confirmed that Destiny 2 will run on 30 Fps similar to the PS4 Pro. it’s not because of the hardware problems but it’s because the developer opted for that limit.

According to Jez Cordan Xbox One X is powerful enough to run Destiny 2 at 60 Fps

One of the reasons for Bungie limiting the Fps might be so that all the different consoles like PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One and Xbox One S could run the game properly and all the owners can have the same experience. if they increase the performance of the game for just one platform it will certainly  be bad for the reputation of the company

Another reason of Fps limit might be because of the exclusive deal between Sony and Activision which everyone knows.

The customers who pre-ordered the game would get access to beta trials which will begin on 18 July for PS4 and 19 July Xbox and will end on 23 July for both platforms

Destiny 2 will be released on 6 September for Xbox, PS4 and on 24 October for PC. for more information you can visit the Official Website.

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