Categories: Games

The Witcher Saga Netflix Show Announced

The White Wolf Is Coming To Life In Netflix

If you haven’t got your Netflix subscription yet maybe its time to get one because of one of the best Fantasy Saga popularized by the Witcher game series is coming to life thanks to the Netflix Team.

Netflix has teamed up with the Polish Author of Witcher Saga Andrzej Sapkowski to help them with the creation of the show based on his novel series. he will be working as the creative consultant and has said the story will stay true to the original theme. Sapkowski’s eight novels centered on witcher is one the best selling books of all time and the same story has given CD Projekt their one of the most popular game franchise.

The story of the novel is about hunters also known as witchers who have supernatural abilities from a very young age and their purpose is to fight against deadly monsters the story was marvelously portrayed by CD Projekt team in their game series and we expect the same from the Netflix series.

So are we going to see the resemblance from the witcher games in the show?

Unfortunately, we are not sure yet as according to the CD Projekt they are in no way involved with the development of the show. yeah, a little disappointing for us as CD Projekt has already created a certain image for the Geralt the White Wolf and support characters like Ciri, Yennefer, and Triss Merigold and no doubt there will be a comparison between game and the show by the viewers.

Honestly, I can only imagine the series as another Game Of Thrones both of them have so much in common with each other like Sex, Swords, Drama and Super Natural abilities. Well, it’s just my speculation so anything can happen currently we can only hope that it better be good.

To Get more details you can head over to the original source on Platige.com.

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